Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Top 3 problems of Philippines Education

The modern Philippines educational system filled with assorted of problems like the following;

1. Quality of School

- It is the most common concern of every parents who wants to enter  their child at school. They look for the quality  of the school that their child may get from it. The quality of school is the main focus of the learners if they get a better knowledge and good future from the school their going to choose. Are they become comfortable to the surroundings,complete of school facilities like (books, chairs,comfort room etc.) and if they afford to pay the tuition and other payments that the school are going to asked.

2. Lack of Teachers

- Teachers is the one of the main important in the school. They are the one who lead and going to impart the knowledge to the learners.They will serve as the second parents of the learners.The school is will not considered a part of institution if there's no teachers. There's a lot of graduates of education but there's still some school who lack of teachers its because their capability being a teacher is not suit.

3.Class disruption
- it is surprisingly common.school violence is rampant,it maybe because of the different factors first is the culture of respect to elders,respect to elders equated to follow. Nowadays, its not applicable.
Second is the family problem,most of the problem of the children is their parents who spend most of their time earning decent living. when parents don't have give quality time for their children needs and problem it can cause of misguided and juvenile delinquent. last is the environment factor that influence to the children. 

The Philippines government try to prevent this problems for the learners.

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